Pozadí INSIGHT právnická firma roku 2024

We provide our Czech and foreign clients
with complete legal services

Gambling Law and Lotteries Law

Specialists of our law office provide legal advice on the area of gabling law, i.e. in the first place on the new Act No. 186/2016 Coll., on gambling, Act No. 187/2016 Coll., on tax on gambling, and Act No. 188/2016 Coll., amending some Acts in connection with adoption of Act on Gambling and Act on Tax on Gambling, and advice on the former Act No. 202/1991 Coll., on Lotteries and Other Similar Games and related legal regulations. Besides the aforementioned legal advice, legal services provided by our law office on this area include also representation of gambling operators at permitting procedures for obtaining permits for operation of specific types of gambling before the Finance Ministry and when notifying municipalities of operation of gambling, and elaboration of documents and data needed for such procedures and proper operation of gambling, including considering gambling concepts and rules. Our law office cooperates in this area also with sworn experts on this field.

In particular we offer then:

  • legal advice on gambling law and lotteries law, including the new Act No. 186/2016 Coll., on Gambling
  • preparation of applications for permits to operate gambling and representation of operators at permitting and notification procedures